My Offers App


Domino's Pizza Enterprise



Scope of work

UI/UX Design


Imagine a customer's delight: one app to rule them all, pizza and deals united! That's exactly the challenge I faced with Domino's Offers App integration. Picture two separate apps, one for ordering, one for deals – a recipe for confusion and missed opportunities. The goal: Merge them into a seamless, single experience.

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The product team and I dove headfirst into understanding our customers needs and mapping their journey across both apps. We designed a system where deals weren't just an afterthought, but an integrated addition to the ordering process. Users could now view offers and deals directly inside the Domino's Ordering App, receiving access to exclusive offers personalised even further when they were logged in to their accounts. No more app-hopping!

But it wasn't just about access. We wanted to ensure our knowledge of our customers behaviour was supported. We knew if we created an engaging and mouthwatering experience, it would drive engagement and customers would be more likely to utilise the offers section of the app. In addition to this, by adding detailed descriptions, and a countdown timer, this created a touch of urgency and excitement.

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